M e c h a n i c a l | E l e c t r i c a l | P l u m b i n g
At JLK Engineering, we attribute much of our success to forming relationships with our clients and the entire project team. We are a consulting engineering practice built on a foundation of technical proficiency and client satisfaction. We focus on exceeding our client's design and construction needs through innovative and cost-effective engineering solutions.
JLK Enginneering was founded in 2011 by Justin L. Kowatch, Owner and Principal Engineer. Mr. Kowatch has been in the engineering business since 1995 and has worked in the construction industry beginning in 1988.
Our team understands that building systems, especially in the early phases of design, must be fully integrated into the architecture of the building while also considering performance, sustainability, and efficiency. With our extensive project background, JLK Engineering has the experience and reliability you need to complete all of your MEP projects.
J L K E n g i n e e r i n g , P L L C C o n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r s | 7 9 5 F a i r w a y D r | G a y l o r d, M I 4 9 7 3 5 | P 9 8 9 . 4 4 8 . 4 6 3 1
Integrity can be defined as a concept of consistency of principles, values, methods, expectations, and outcomes. We at JLK Engineering apply this concept to all of our work. Our clients know what to expect from our services, and this consistancy enables us to form long lasting relationships with our clients.
Sustainability means responsibly managing our resources. It is the capacity to endure. We strive to design building systems that benefit not just our clients, but also the environment.
Integration is the act of combining or adding parts to make a unified whole. This is a critical component to great design. JLK Engineering understands how to integrate the MEP systems into the facility infastructure and building architecture.
Gaylord Herald Times | October 2011
Gaylord Community Schools Website | December 2011
Gaylord Herald Times | January 2012